Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Getting It Done

Don't procrastinate

It may have been easy in high school to wait until the last minute to complete an assignment and still get a good grade, but that kind of stuff will not work for you in college. Give yourself deadlines -- and stick to them.  Anyone have problems getting stuff done when you want to?

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  1. Nah, it does work in college. You just won't get very good grades. That doesn't stop most people.

  2. i go for the same "no real problem" but sure people are different, and some may have a hard time during College.

  3. It was the opposite for me, I found high school incredibly strict and college to be incredibly relaxed.

  4. I have a huge mock-grant to write for the entire semester. I have yet to start. 5 weeks left, oh noes!

  5. it still works for me in university ;)

  6. you cant do that kinda shit in college man

  7. You gods that made me man, and sway in love.
